
NOTOOL because
“a fool with a tool, is still a fool”

Not exactly “new new”, but my current focus is business coaching. In addition to the voice coaching I am known for I have been further developing my coaching skills through a mix of training (Elke Sieger) and as associate consultant with NoTool.

I am part of an experienced team with a wide band width of skills and backgrounds, which allows me the freedom to stretch even deeper into the world of business coaching where, once again, I find my theatre skills invaluable. Click the link below to discover the philosophy behind how we enhance teams and behavioural culture.


It's the mix
that kicks

Excellence is the result of many things. My approach to work is shaped by a wealth of experience that you only get when you like to push yourself out of your comfort zone. Moving to Germany with no language knowledge, motherhood, launching Stagecoach Theatre Schools in Frankfurt, co-founding a theater company, directing and producing, working as an educator and every time I perform on stage have made me the professional I am. Each discipline enhances the other.

I lead with love and by example. I enjoy innovation and engaging with people. My work is not just about getting things done, but about the process of making things better. Colleagues and clients say, I am a doer. I make things happen.


... the only way to do exceptional work is to love what you do.

Tracey Grey

actor, voice actor, coach



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